The Experience in Teaching and Learning through developing an AI Pharmacist in Hong Kong
2023-09-12, 16:55–17:00 (Asia/Tokyo), Atrium (Posters)

In view of the COVID pandemic over the past few years, it is clear that it is not always easy for the general public to get immediate consultation or health advice from health professionals. Therefore, we considered whether we could overcome this situation by developing an innovative platform that combines artificial intelligence (AI) and a healthcare database. It would be able to interact with those in need by responding to their healthcare-related questions and providing healthcare advice anytime, anywhere and without the need of face-to-face interaction.
Through developing this AI Pharmacist, students had to research disease information, drug information and relevant health advice. This provided them an excellent opportunity to strengthen their knowledge, which would benefit them during their studies as well as when they join the workforce after graduation. Students also explored the intersection of pharmacy practice and artificial intelligence, which is a rapidly evolving field. This can help to broaden their knowledge and perspective on the role of technology in healthcare. In addition, this project encourages active learning through research, group discussions, and project-based learning. This approach can enhance students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills, which are highly valued in the healthcare industry.
Furthermore, this project can also benefit the healthcare industry as such invention can assist healthcare professionals and patients and potentially improve patient outcomes, reduce hospitalization rates, and enhance patient satisfaction.

Overall, this project provided a unique and engaging learning experience for students while also contributing to the development of innovative solutions that can benefit the healthcare industry.

This paper describes our experience in teaching and learning through developing an AI Pharmacist with students. Students needed to do research and collaborate to build this AI Pharmacist which can interact with the public and help with their healthcare issues. Overall, this project provided a unique and engaging learning experience for students while also contributing to the development of innovative solutions that can benefit the healthcare industry.


Teaching, learning, artificial intelligence, healthcare

See also: Poster